Scandinavian-Canadian Studies/Études Scandinaves au Canada is a journal published by the AASSC (Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada/L’Association pour L’Avancement des études Scandinaves au Canada). It expresses in concrete—and more recently virtual—form the Association’s conviction that there is much to be learned from peoples of Scandinavia, not least by Canadians, who share a comparable geopolitical situation, as well as social and cultural histories and values. Articles and reviews, which may be published in either English or French, deal with a wide range of subjects: translation, indigenous studies, postcolonialism, politics, film, contemporary literature, Scandinavian immigration to Canada, Icelandic sagas, and so on. The first volume was published in 1983.

Marina Allemano. Mermaids Losing Their Heads A Study of the Mermaid Cult in Andersen, Ibsen, and Svendsen, page 4
Joe Allard. Revolution and Innovation in Icelandic Art Since 1980 The Poetry, Fiction and Film Writing of Einar Már Guðmundsson, page 18
Daisy Neijmann. Damned with Faint Praise The Reception of Laura Goodman Salverson's Works by the Icelandic-Canadian Community, page 40
Frederick Hale. Waging War on Three Feminist Fronts Ester Lindin's Campaign for Women's Emancipation in Tänk, om jag gifter mig med prästen!, page 64
Seija Paddon. The Altered Forms of the Idea of Community in Contemporary Finnish Poetry, page 82
Reviews / Comptes Rendus
John Dingley. Review of Finnish: An Essential Grammar by Fred Karlsson, page 95
J. Donald Wilson. Review of Between a Rock and a Hard Place: A Historical Geography of the Finns in the Sudburv Area by Oiva W. Saarinen, page 107
Marina Allemano. Review of Out of Isak Dinesen in Africa: Karen Blixen's Untold Story by Linda Donelson, page 110