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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Articles and translations may be written in English or French and should include endnotes and a bibliography. Their length should normally not exceed 25 double-spaced pages; their format should conform to that used described in the Author Guidelines. Translations, into English or French, should conform to the Translation Guidelines detailed below. 

In addition to the article or translation submission, authors should send an abstract of about 150 words, as well as a short biography (approximately 40 words) and a list of around three to five key words based on your article or translation. Book reviews require only a short biography and three to five keywords. 



Scandinavian-Canadian Studies conforms to the author-date citation method (Chapter 15) of The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition). In addition to this, there are some editorial decisions the journal has made on a number of issues. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you would familiarize yourself with the items noted below, which are organized alphabetically.

Please familiarize yourself with the journal’s policies on the following items:


Block quotes

Quotations more than three lines in length should normally be set off as a block quote. Please use the ruler at the top of your word processing software to make sure the quotation is indented, rather than indenting each line separately.



For titles: For English titles, use “headline style” for book titles, article titles, and subtitles (i.e. capitalize the first word and all grammatically important words, in short all words except articles and unstressed prepositions). Examples:

 “Behind Heathendom: Archaeological Studies Of Old Norse Religion”

 History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen

For foreign titles, follow the rules of capitalization used in that particular language (which is often “sentence style”). Examples:

 Den norske klippfiskhandels historie

 Oselvaren - den levanden båten

When a quoted sentence, or at least a full clause, is used as part of a title of either an English or a foreign title, sentence-style capitalization is often appropriate.

In quotations: Changing a capital to a lower case, or a lower case to a capital in a quotation should not be indicated by the use of square brackets. For example:

In 1944, for instance, “the shop built forty-seven boats in ten months” (47).



Italics are used for: published book titles, for emphasis (although we don’t suggest overuse), and words from another language.

If italics are used in a quotation, please specify who is doing the emphasizing (add either “emphasis in the original” or “my emphasis” to your citation):

In the introduction to the travelogue, he writes: “Jeg skal med statsstipendium gjøre en reise til Kaukasien, til Orienten, Persien, Tyrkiet” (165, my emphasis)

Foreign words should be italicized only the first time they appear in your article.

Do not italicize foreign words that are regularly used in English (e.g., a priori).

Proper nouns from another language are not italicized.



Bibliographical information is not included in footnotes but gathered in the REFERENCES section at the end of the article. An in-text citation, in parentheses following the appropriate reference, is cued to this list and contains only enough information to identify the corresponding reference entry.

Citations include the author’s name only when necessary, i.e. only when the text does not include an explicit indication of the author or work.  Citations require dates only when more than one work by the author occurs in the REFERENCES section. Page numbers for page ranges include the last two numbers: e.g. 250-53. Examples:

... five heard shots fired from two locations, and three from a direction consistent with both the knoll and the Depository (McAdams). [Only one work by McAdams appears in the references.]

... heroic warriors were now replaced by heroic artists (Helgason 1998). [More than one work by Helgason appears in the references.]

... a new understanding of society that captures the tensions of the twenty-first century (Truscello 188). [Only one work by Truscello appears.]

One such attempt was made by Keld Gall Jørgensen (267–68) who sought... [Only one work by Jørgensen; only the second and third digits of the end-page included, unless the first has changed.]


Dates and numbers

Use the day month year arrangement: 19 July 2001. When giving two years write them fully: 2001–2003, using an en dash rather than a hyphen.

Please spell out single-digit numbers (zero through nine). When a number begins a sentence, it should be spelled out. Examples:

...the audience’s perspective. Thirteen singers and a dancer move up and down on a large staircase... always was at its best, at least for a teenager. Thirty years later...

Centuries should be spelled out in word form (“nineteenth century” rather than “19th century”).



Endnotes are not used to provide citations. The material contained in endnotes is supplementary to or complementary to that of the main text:

What we do know for sure is that Vikings began settling Iceland in the ninth century2...

    1. Tephra dating confirms this.

When possible, material directly relevant to the main text should be incorporated into it.



The journal is printed in Gentium, a Garamond-family font that is freely-downloadable and includes an excellent range of Unicode characters.



See endnotes.



Dashes: Use an em dash without preceding or following spaces. Examples:

...a land with its extensive forests, deep lakes, and wide mountain tracts—where wolves, moose, reindeer, and perhaps even polar bears roam—seems far removed from the densely populated urban areas...

A saga is an extended saying—spoken narrative—so extended indeed as to have become a byword...

Ellipses: Whatever ellipsis system you use will be adjusted to the “three-dot method” recognized by the Chicago Manual, so following this policy would be a kindness to the editor and coder. Our journal normally does not add square brackets around ellipses. A period is added before an ellipsis if the ellipsis follows the end of a complete sentence or if the end of the sentence is omitted. Other punctuation appearing in the original text (comma, colon, semicolon, question mark, exclamation point) may come before or after the ellipsis. Ellipsis points are generally not used at the beginning or the end of a quotation.

Oxford comma: The journal uses the Oxford comma (also known as the serial comma), when a conjunction joins the last two elements of a series of three or more items.

... a specificity which arises for its citizens’ diverse values, expressions, attitudes, and lifestyles.

Quotation marks: Placement of quotation marks is American-style: periods and commas always fall inside quotation marks, colons and semi colons always fall outside quotation marks, question marks and exclamation marks fall inside or outside depending on the meaning. Examples:

The commercial’s closing printed tagline at the bottom of the screen reads: “The Norwegian oil adventure has never been more exciting.”

Who ever said, “Crime doesn’t pay”?

...archaeologists focused on the questions of “who settled where?” and “when did they arrive?”

Single quotation marks occur only for quotations within quotations; they are not used for words or phrases as opposed to more extended quotations. Avoid “scare quotes.”

Please try to be sure that you use “smart” (i.e. appropriately curved rather than straight) quotation marks and apostrophes: i.e. “ ” and ‘ ’ and ’.



When more than one work by an author occurs in the REFERENCES section, these works are arranged in order of date of publication.

In the REFERENCES section, the date of publication immediately succeeds the author’s name:

Andrén, Anders. 2005. “Behind Heathendom: Archaeological Studies Of Old Norse Religion.” Scottish Archaeological Journal 27(2): 105–38.

—. 2014. Tracing Old Norse Cosmology. Lund: Nordic Academic Press.

An author’s last name and first name(s), or initial(s), are inverted only when alphabetization requires it, such as in the first element in each of the references:

Stenroos, Merja, Martti Mäkinen, and Inge Særheim. 2012. Language Contact and Development around the North Sea. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Icelanders are normally alphabetized under patronymic names:

Jónsson, Finnur. 1912–1915. Den norsk-islandske skjaldedigtning. 4 vols. Copenhagen and Kristiania: Gyldendal and Nordisk forlag.

References which include URLs should include the date of access:

Ordbog over det norrøne prosasprog: A Dictionary of Old Norse Prose. 1995. Edited by Helle Degnbol et al. Copenhagen: Den arnamagnæanske kommission. Accessed 24 September 2016.



The journal attempts systematically to use Canadian spelling. If you are unsure about Canadian spelling, consult the Oxford Canadian Dictionary of Current English.



Titles of books should be italicized throughout the text and article titles should appear in quotation marks, including in the REFERENCES section. Examples:

The final three chapters of Arctic Discourses look at representations of the Artic in...

Sayers, William. 1995. “Poetry and Social Agency in Egils saga Skallagrímssonar.” Scripta Islandica 46: 29–62.

When the work in question has been translated, cite the translated work using its published translated title in italics in square brackets after the original title. When no published translation exists, place your translation of the title in roman letters with no italics in square brackets following the original title. Examples:

Åsa Larsson’s Till dess din vrede upphör (2009) [Until Thy Wrath Be Past 2011] is the fourth of five Rebecka Martinsson mysteries.

In 1920, Stephansson’s anti-war poems were published in an anthology named Vígslóði [Trail of War]...


Original languages and translations

As a rule, quotations, especially from works written in a Nordic language, are included as primary and a translation follows in square brackets:

Frost comes to the window and knocks frantically, pleading “Albert, är du död?” [Albert, are you dead?]

When only the original language source appears in the REFERENCES section, citation style is as elsewhere, and an explanation of the source of translation provided in an endnote in the first instance it is cited. When a published translation is used, it should be listed in the REFERENCES and the citation of the published translation included in the same parenthesis as the citation of the original-language source, separated from the prior citation of the original source by a semi-colon:

As Bergman puts it, “då är de plötsligt borta alla” [Suddenly they’re all gone] (Björkman et al. 1970a, 98; Björkman et al. 1970b, 92).

In non-indented quotations, punctuation is preserved at the end of the quoted passage (and translation) only if it is a question mark or exclamation mark, otherwise internal punctuation is maintained but final punctuation eliminated from the original language quotation. The bracketed translation does not include quotation marks (see example above).

In block quotations each passage keeps its original punctuation and is followed by a parenthetical citation on a new line. No punctuation follows the parenthetical citation for block quotations:

Var það nú aðallega göngustafurinn hans, sem nokkrir gestir veittu eftirtekt. Handfangið var í laginu eins og hamar. Það var þungt – úr skíru silfri með fangamarkinu hans. Bretar gáfu stafnum auga. Það stælti hug skósmiðsins, og vildi hann sýna þeim, að hann væri engin drusla.... Hann bar stafinn hátt, eins og blikandi sverð, um leið og hann tróð sér út út forstofunni.


[It was mostly his walking stick that some guests noticed. Its handle was shaped like a hammer. It was heavy – made from clear silver, containing his initials. The British looked at the stick. This hardened the cobbler’s courage, and he wanted to show them that he was no worm.... He carried the stick high, like a glittering sword, as he walked out of the hall.]


If your submission is accepted for publication, these are the steps we will take:

(1) Revise as suggested by the reviewers and make sure your document conforms to the journal style as described above. Also double-check the accuracy of all your quotations against the original sources.

(2) Supply a short biography and a list of around three to five key words based on your article.

(3) Your final version will be copyedited and sent back to you for approval.

(4) The article or review will be made available on a proofing-site before it is published. Please check your article or review when it is made available to you on this site. XML encoding involves a significant intervention by a human coder, so the possibilities of new errors are real—quite apart from those likely to be present in the original electronic file you submit or that can enter a file through other software changes and human error. A particular problem involves foreign language quotations. These are the particular responsibility of authors, for the editor is not likely to discover errors in these simply by reading them over.

(5) The article and review will be published online.

(6) Given that the journal is published online, corrections can continue to be made after an article or review has been first published. Please note that this opportunity for correction should be used only to deal with actual errors; it is not intended to allow ongoing revision of a work. We do not have the human resources to take the time for such revisions.



Scandinavian-Canadian Studies/ Études scandinaves au Canada welcomes translations of poetry, drama, fiction and literary nonfiction written originally in a Nordic language.

(1) All submissions should be submitted to the journal as a single Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx file) attachment. 

(2) Your submission must include the following (in addition to an abstract, biography, and key words):

  • A brief introduction to the translated text.
  • The original work and the translation.
  • Bibliography of primary and (where applicable) secondary sources.
  • Verification that you are granting Scandinavian-Canadian Studies/ Études scandinaves au Canada permission to publish the original text and translation, and that you have the rights to do so

(3) Translations must not have been previously published, although the original text may have been.

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