Scandinavian-Canadian Studies/Études Scandinaves au Canada is a journal published by the AASSC (Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada/L’Association pour L’Avancement des études Scandinaves au Canada). It expresses in concrete—and more recently virtual—form the Association’s conviction that there is much to be learned from peoples of Scandinavia, not least by Canadians, who share a comparable geopolitical situation, as well as social and cultural histories and values. Articles and reviews, which may be published in either English or French, deal with a wide range of subjects: translation, indigenous studies, postcolonialism, politics, film, contemporary literature, Scandinavian immigration to Canada, Icelandic sagas, and so on. The first volume was published in 1983.

Jussi M. Hanhimäki. In Search of Security: Finland and the Soviet-American Confrontation, 1945-1961, page 1
Daisy Neijman. Laura Goodman Slaverson, Guttormur J. Guttormsson, and the Dual World of Second-Generation Canadian Authors, page 19
Christopher S. Hale. Ethnic Minorities on the Canadian Prairies in the Writings of Aksel Sandemose and Sven Delblanc, page 37
William Sayers. Power, Magic and Sex: Queen Gunnhildr and the Icelanders, page 57
Peter G. Christensen. Sibelius, Kullervo and Fate Tragedy, page 79
Reviews / Comptes Rendus
Marina Allemano. Review of Isak Dinesen and Narrativity: Reassessments for the 1990's by Gurli A. Woods, ed. (Ottawa, 1994), page 103
J. Donald Wilson. Review of Sointula: Island Utopia by Pamela Wild (Madeira Park, 1995), page 109
Varpu Lindström. Review of Under the Northern Lights: My Memories of Life in the Finnish Community of Northern Ontario by Nelma Sillanpää and edited by Edward Laine (Hull, 1994), page 112
John Dingley. Review of Mastering Finnish by Börje Vähämäki (New York, 1994), page 113
Patricia Bethel. Review of Fortælling og ære: Studier i islændingesagaerne by Preben Meulengracht Sørensen (Århus, 1993), page 115
Patricia Bethel. Review of Viking Revaluations: Viking Society centenary symposium, 14-15 May 1992 by Anthony Faulkes and Richard Perkins, eds. (London, 1993), page 119
Thomas Bredsdorff. Review of Ludvig Holberg – A European Writer: A Study in Influence and Reception by Sven H. Rossel, ed. (Amsterdam and Atlanta, 1994), page 122
Christopher Hale. Review of Aksel Sandemoses Canada. Rejsebetragtninger i udvalg 1927-28 by Johannes Væth (Herning, Denmark, 1994), page 126
Marshall N. Matson. Review of A Century of Swedish Narrative: Essays in Honour of Karin Petherick by Sarah Death and Helena Forsås-Scott, eds. (Norwich, 1994), page 128
Christopher Hale. Review of Peddling My Wares by Ivar Lo-Johannson and translated by Rochelle Wright (Columbia, South Carolina, 1995), page 132