This project began with an event entitled Medieval and Modern: An Interdisciplinary Symposium. The idea for it was first suggested by Birna Bjarnadóttir, who envisioned a discussion
of Halldór Laxness’s medievalist novel Gerpla (1952) over the course of a snowy Winnipeg afternoon in March of 2015. The original
event was sponsored by the Icelandic Department and the English Department (now DEFTM),
along with the University of Manitoba Institute for the Humanities (UMIH). The symposium
seemed to expand of its own accord, leading to further events including one in March
of 2016 in which Fóstbræðra saga was the topic of Ármann Jakobsson’s keynote address, with support from additional
sponsors like the U of M’s Arts Endowment Fund, Distinguished Visiting Lecturer Series,
and Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal. I owe thanks to my fellow organizers for these events, the members of the UMIH research
group Circle of Premodern Students (CoPS). I held a term as UMIH Research Affiliate
while working on this project; particular thanks are due to David Watt and Paul Jenkins.
The Icelandic Department’s support was similarly crucial from start to finish; I would
like to thank P. J. Buchan and Catari Macaulay Gauthier, and note the support of the
Grettir Eggertson fund.
When it came to the possibility of publications coming out of the symposiums, I noted
that there was potential in continuing the discussions on Fóstbræðrasaga and Gerpla; I am grateful to Christopher Crocker for suggesting Scandinavian-Canadian Studies as a venue for this project, among other inspired suggestions. The Association for
the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada (AASSC) offered an incredibly welcoming
forum for discussion of work related to the special volume at its 2017 and 2018 annual
meetings in Toronto and Regina respectively, and I would like to thank the many members
of AASSC who contributed to ensuring the success of those events. The final discussion
of this research occurred in Ísafjörður in October of 2018, at a symposium entitled
Lesið í sköpunarkraft Vestfjarða [The Creative Power of the West Fjords], organized by Birna Bjarnadóttir and Ingi
Björn Guðnason, at which point this project
may have in some sense come full circle. The support of the University of Iceland,
and of Jón Atli Benediktsson and Guðmundur Hálfdánarson in particular, is hereby gratefully
I would like to thank Elin Thordarson and P. J. Buchan for their invaluable translation
assistance on this project, as well as the other translators whose work appears here:
Julian Mendoza, Pétur Knútsson, Larissa Kyzer, and Paul Richardson. I am grateful
to all of the contributors for both their inspiring work and their patience with the
editing process; it has been an incredible learning experience. Thanks are due to
Stephen Cowdery of the website Laxness in Translation for his help in providing information and obtaining materials. I am grateful to Silja
Aðalsteinsdóttir for her help with permissions for Kristinn Andrésson’s article. Much
of the research undertaken in Winnipeg was enabled by The Icelandic Collection of
the Elizabeth Dafoe Library, curated by the late Sigrid Johnson. Sigrid and many other
wonderful librarians helped make this project possible; please see each article’s
notes for details. Finally, I would like to thank Helga Thorson for her guidance,
Martin Holmes for his patience, and the many scholars on both sides of the Atlantic
who responded helpfully and humbly to requests for contributions, comments, and suggestions.
Helga Kress’s “The Culture of the Grotesque in Old Icelandic Literature,” Ástráður
Eysteinsson’s “Is Halldór Laxness the Author of Fóstbræðra saga?” and Kristinn E. Andrésson’s “A Modern-Day Saga in Fancy Dress” are English translations
of articles previously published in Icelandic. Citations
of the original Icelandic publications are followed by appropriate Acknowledgements
and Permissions for these translations below.
- Andrésson, Kristinn E. 1972. “Gerpla.” Tímarit Máls og menningar 33 (3–4): 273–91.
*This translation appears by permission of the journal, as the author (1901-1973)
is deceased. The translation is by Larissa Kyzer.
- Eysteinsson, Ástráður. 1990. “Er Halldór Laxness höfundur Fóstbræðrasögu? Um höfundarvirkni,
textatengsl og þýðingu
í sambandi Laxness við fornsögurnar.” Skáldskaparmál: Tímarit um íslenskar bókmenntir fyrri alda 1: 171–88. *This translation appears by permission of the author; the translation
is by Julian
Mendoza, in collaboration with the author.
- Kress, Helga. 1987. “Bróklindi Falgeirs: Fóstbræðra saga og hláturmenning miðalda.” Skírnir 161 (2): 271–86. *This translation appears by permission of the author; the translation
is by the
author, with assistance by Elin Thordarson and P. J. Buchan.
- “Seeress’s Prophecy” (November 2018). Credit: Jenna Glidden (Courtesy of the artist).
- A leaf from the early fourteenth-century manuscript AM132 fol.(170r) or Möðruvallabók
(Courtesy of