A Normalized Edition and English Translation of the Miracles about St. Olaf in AM 325 IV α 4to (‘The Seventh and Eighth Fragment’).Scandinavian-Canadian Studies Journal / Études scandinaves au Canada 24: 90-106.
Joyce Scholz and Paul Schach’s goal was to present a coherent and readable English translation. They did not attempt to imitate Old Norse-Icelandic syntax and style. Very long sentences are in the translation sometimes broken up into shorter sentences, and the order of clauses is occasionally reversed for clarity or emphasis. The translators also sometimes changed the beginnings or endings of direct speech, where Guðni Jónsson’s choice with regard to the placement of quotation marks seems questionable. The historical present tense has generally not been retained in the translation, and personal names now and then replace pronouns. Personal names have been Anglicized, and the Old Norse-Icelandic characters ð, þ, and æ have been replaced with d, th, and ae. Bynames have been translated, unless their meaning is unclear. Unidentified place names have been treated similarly to personal names, but Scandinavian letters, such as æ, ø, and å, have been retained. Some place names have been translated. In the case of known place names, the Scandinavian term or a known English version has been used. (Arthur and Wolf v)
(100. Kom upp helgi Óláfs konungs)
(100. King Olaf’s holiness is revealed)
– – hlaupa í netit.”
– – leap into the net.”
Hann svaraði: “Ei er digr minn háls, en ef margir hlaupa slíkir í netit, þá vættir
mik, at rifni
möskvarnir þínir.” Þetta fór eigi fram sem hon beiddi.
He answered, “My neck is not very thick, but if many such men leap into the net, then
I expect that
your meshes will rip.” This did not happen as she had requested.
(101. Tekinn upp helgr dómr Óláfs konungs)
(101. The translation of the holy relics of King Olaf)
Síðan var Óláfr í skrín lagiðr með mikilli dýrð ok fagrligum jarteinum. Þar fengu
blindir menn sýn [en] líkþ[ráir] menn heilsu.
Afterward King Olaf was laid in a shrine with great ceremony and magnificent miracles.
The blind men took sight, [and the lepers] were healed.
(104. Frá Guthormi hertoga)
(104. Of Duke Gudthorm)
Sá atburðr gerðist í Öngulseyjarsundi [at Guthormr], Gunnhildar sonr, systursonr Óláfs, hét á hann til fulltings, at hann mætti halda
fé sínu ok fjörvi, er hann barðist við Margað jarl. Hann hafði sextán skip, en Guthormr
fimm, ok fekk Guth[ormr] sigr af ör[leik] ok heilagleik Óláfs. Síðan lét hann gera róðuna miklu.
It happened in the Anglesey Sound that [Gudthorm], the son of Gunnhild, nephew of
Olaf, called upon him for assistance that he might keep his booty and his life when
he fought against Earl Margad. He had sixteen ships, but Gudthorm only five. But Gudthorm
gained victory because of Olaf’s [generosity] and holiness. Then he had a large crucifix
(105. Jartegn í Miklagarði)
(105. The miracle in Constantinople)
Þau stórmerki gerðust út í Miklagarði, at Bolgar gerðust til Miklagarðs at herja.
Garðskonungr bauð liði út í móti ok fundust á Pekinavöllum ok váru þeir sextíu of
einn. Grikkja lið reið fyrst fram, ok fengu ósigr. Þá riðu Frakkir fram ok fengu eigi
These miracles happened abroad in Constantinople that Bulgars came to Constantinople
to harry. The Greek emperor ordered his troops against them, and they met at the Pekina
fields. They were sixty to one. The Greek troops rode forth first and were defeated.
Then the Franks rode forth and achieved no more.
Þá hermdist konungr mjök við ok lagði reiði á þá. Þeir svöruðu: “Tak nú til vínbelgja, væringja þinna.”
This enraged the emperor greatly, and he became angry with them. They answered, “Get
your wine guzzlers ready, your Varangians.”
“Eigi þori ek at leiða svá góða menn í svá mikinn háska.”
“I do not dare to lead such good men into such great danger.”
Þórir helsingr, er þ[ar] var formælandi væringja, svaraði: “Þ[ótt] væri eldr brennandi, þá myndim vér í ráðast, ef þú værir í friði.”
Thorir Helsingr, who was the spokesman of the Varangians there, replied, “We would
attack [even if] a fire was burning, if it meant peace for you.”
“Heit,” sagði konungr, “á Óláf, konung yðarn, til fulltings.”
“Call,” said the emperor, “upon Olaf, your king, for assistance.”
Þeir heita því. Þá fylktu væringjar liði ok ri[ð]u á mót heiðingjum.
They did that. Then the Varangians assembled their troops and rode against the heathens.
Konungrinn heiðni mælti: “Hve mikit lið hafa þeir?” [Þei]r sögðu hönd fulla manna.
The heathen king said, “How big is their army?” They said a handful of men.
“Hverr [er] sá,” sagði hann, “inn ítarligi ok inn göfugligi, er ríðr fyrir liði þeira hvítum
“Who [is],” said he, “the glorious and magnificent one who rides in front of their
troops on a white horse?”
En þeir létust engan sjá. Þá varð ótti í liði þeira ok hræðsla, ok lögðu þeir á flótta,
en væringjar eftir ok með þeim Grikkir ok Frakkir ok drápu af þeim þats þeir vildu,
en væringjar höfðu konung blindan ok tók hann skírn ok sagði þeim vitruna. Síðan var Óláfi þar
kirkja ger.
They declared that they did not see anyone. Then dread and fear spread among them,
and they fled. But the Varangians, Greeks, and Franks went after them and killed as
many of them as they wanted. The Varangians had a blind king, and he was baptized
and told them the vision. Then a church was built there for Olaf.
(119. Jartegnir við tunguskorna menn)
(119. The miracles of the tongue-excised men)
Þóra Guthormsdóttir, móðir Sigurðar konungs, lét [s]kera tungu ór höfði manni, er
Kolbeinn hét, of eigi meiri sakar en hann hafði tekit af krásadiski hennar. Hann fór
til Óláfs ok sofnaði of óttus[ö]ng. Síðari Óláfsmessu sá konung ok tók í tungustúfinn ok togaði, ok var heill, er hann vaknaði.
Thora Gudthormsdottir, the mother of King Sigurd, had the tongue cut out of the head
of a man named Kolbein for no other reason than that he had taken something from her
plate of delicacies. He went to Olaf and fell asleep during matins. On the later Saint
Olaf’s Mass Day he saw the king, who grasped the stump of the tongue and tugged. As
soon as he awoke, he was healed.
Vindr tóku mann, er Halldórr hét, á þeim degi, er Nikulás kardináli kom í Noreg, hálfum
mánuði fyrir Óláfsmessu fyrri, vildu fyrst hengja hann, en virgillinn slitnaði [á]vallt, drógu út tung[u of] kverkina, skáru þar af, ætluðu, at leynast skyldi. Hann varð heill at Óláfs. Þessa
menn sá Hallr munkr báða heila.
The Wendlanders took captive a man named Halldor on the day when Cardinal Nicholas
came to Norway, half a month before the first Saint Olaf’s Mass Day. They first wanted
to hang him, but the noose [always] broke. They pulled his tongue [out from] his throat
and cut it off there. They thought that it should be hidden. He became healed through
Olaf. The monk Hall saw both these men healed.
(118. Jartegn við kryppling einn)
(118. The miracle of the cripple)
Alvaldr hét krypplingr, er Óláfr græddi. Hann sofnaði úti of dag. Maðr kom at honum göfugligr
ok spurði, hvert hann vildi fara. Hann nefndi bæinn. “Far til Óláfskirkju í Lundunum ok mundu þar heill verða.”
Alvald was the name of a crippled man whom Olaf healed. He fell asleep outside one
day. A distinguished-looking man came toward him and asked where he wanted to go.
He named the city. “Travel to Olaf’s Church in London, and there you will be healed.”
Síðan fór hann ok kom of síð[ir] til Lundabryggju. Hann spurði, hvar Óláfskirkja væri. Honum var sagt, at miklu váru
kirkjur þar fleiri en menn vissi, hver Óláfskirkja væri. Þá kom at maðr ok mælti við kryppilinn: “Förum báðir saman, ok kann ek leið
til Óláfskirkju.” Þresköldr var þar hár, ok varð Alvaldr at veltast yfir inn ok varð heill ok sá hvergi
förunaut sinn.
Then Alvald set out and came [at last] to London Bridge. He asked where Olaf’s Church
was. He was told that there were so many churches there that people did not know which
one was Olaf’s Church. A man came toward him and said to the cripple, “Let’s go together.
I know the way to Olaf’s Church.” The threshold there was high, but Alvald was able
to roll himself over it inside
and became healed, but nowhere did he see his travel companion.
(109. Jartegn við Ríkarð prest)
(109. The miracle with priest Rikard)
Sú jartein gerðist á Upplöndum, at bræðr tveir, synir Guðorms grábaks, Einarr ok Andrés, móðurbræðr Sigurðar, unga konungs, ábrýddu of systur sína at saklausu, en þó nokkut af hennar orðum, at presti enskum,
er Ríkarðr hét, heimtu hann braut frá öðrum mönnum, ok vissi enskis ótta ván, fóru
á skipi hjá vatnsströndu, er Rönd heitir, ok lendu at Skiptisandi. Þeir báru sakar á hönd honum. Hann synjaði. Síðan
bundu þeir hann ok mæltu við þjón sinn, at hann skyldi ljósta hann öxarhamarshögg,
svá at hann ómætti af. Þá tóku þeir hæl ok veltu út augunum.
This miracle happened in Oppland that Einar and Andres, two brothers, the sons of
Gudthorm Grayback, [uncles of the young King Sigurd], were jealous of an English priest
called Rikard over their sister, without just cause, and yet somewhat because of things
she said. They called him away from other men. He apprehended no danger. They embarked
on a ship by the bank of the lake called Rønd and landed at Skiptisand. They brought
charges against him. He pleaded not guilty. They tied him up and told their servant
to strike him a blow with the back of his axe so that he would pass out. Then they
took a peg and gouged out his eyes.
Hann spurði, hví svá hart skyldi við hann leika. “Verðr ertu þess,” sögðu þeir.
He asked why he was treated so harshly. “You deserve this,” said they.
“Skipti almáttigr guð milli vár,” sagði hann, “ok inn helgi Óláfr konungr.”
“May God Almighty,” said he, “and King Olaf the Saint decide between us.”
Síðan drógu þeir út tungu hans ok skáru af mikit ok spurðu, ef hann mætti mæla, en
hann leitaði við at mæla. Þá tóku þeir í tungustúfinn ok skáru af tysvar þaðan af
ok í tungurótum it síðasta sinn ok brutu fótlegg hans ok köstuðu honum í naust nokkurt
við Askeimsherað ok gerðu orð til bæjarins, hvat títt var, en húsfreyja ok dóttir
hennar fóru eftir honum ok báru hann heim í möttli sínum ok leituðu honum hægenda,
en hann vissi löngum ekki til sín, ok er náttaði, rann á hann ómeginshöfgi.
Then they pulled out his tongue, cut much of it off, and asked if he could speak.
He tried to speak. They took the stump of the tongue and again cut off more of it
and lastly the root of the tongue. They broke his legs and threw him in a boathouse
in the Askeim-district. They sent word of what had happened to the farm. The housewife
and her daughter went to get him and carried him home in their mantle. They cared
for him, but for a long time he was not conscious. When night came, he fell into a
lethargic sleep.
Þá sá hann at sér koma mann þekkiligan ok mælti: “Illa ertu leikinn, Ríkarðr félagi.
Sé ek, at eigi er nú málit mikit.”
Then he saw a handsome man come towards him, who said, “You have been treated badly,
Rikard comrade. I can see that you can hardly speak.”
Þá tók hann í tungustúfinn ok heimti svá hart, at honum varð sárt við. Þá tók hann
þegar mál sitt ok mælti: “Sæll em ek, guði þökk ok inum helga Óláfi.”
He took the stump of the tongue and pulled it so hard that it was painful for Rikard.
Then Rikard regained his speech and exclaimed, “I am blessed! Thank God and Olaf the
(122. Jartegn við syndugan mann)
(122. The miracle of the sinful man)
[M]argt hefi ek sagt frá jarteinum þeim, er várr dróttinn hefir gert fyrir sakar ins helga
Óláfs konungs, en þetta sýndist allháleitt vera, er nú vekrir hug várn ok margra guðs
vina at sönnu. Svá sem sál hvers kristins manns er ágætari at eðlisskepnu en líkaminn,
svá er ok hennar dauði hættari ok þyngri ok svá heilsan dýrri. En óvinr alls mannkyns léttir aldregi slíkt at vinna
nú á hverjum degi við oss sem hann vann forðum í Paradísu. Hug hvers manns vill hann
æ spilla ok tæla hvern mann með svikfullri flærð, því skrokki biðr hann trúa, er hann
telr fyrir, ok guðs reiði ok boðorðabrot segir hann lítilvert. Veraldar virðing heitir
hann ok svíkr með því margan, en guðs dóm ok helvítis píslir kveðr hann engan mann
hræðast þurfa. Með þeiri villu sveik hann inn fyrsta mann. Þar með blekkir hann hvern hans afsprengi.
[Much] I have told of the miracles, those our Lord has worked for the sake of King
Olaf the Saint, but this one, which now indeed stirs our heart and the hearts of many
of God’s friends, appears to be the most sublime. Just as the soul of every Christian
man is more noble in its nature than the body, so also its death is more dangerous
and perilous, and thus salvation is more glorious. But the enemy of all mankind never
ceases to work against us each day as he worked once in Paradise. He wants to corrupt
the mind of every person and entice every person with treacherous deceit. He asks
the body to believe what he proclaims, and he says God’s anger and the breaking of
God’s commandments are of little significance. He promises great worldly honour, and
thus he betrays many with this promise. God’s judgment and the torments of Hell no
man need fear, he declares. With this heresy he betrayed the first man; therewith
he deceives each of his offspring.
Þess bragðs neytti hann við mann nokkurn, þann er hann sveik með svá banvænum drykk,
at hann gleymdi allra guðs boðorða ok fylgdi villtr ok ofdrambsfullr íblást fjandans,
en sá vesli maðr var ór heraði því, er [Ýtrey] heitir. Svá aumliga hafði óvinrinn hann blindaðan, at hann virði enskis annars heims
píslir móti munúð sinni ok veraldargirnd, eða hví var hann þá eigi sárliga svikinn,
er hann gafst í fjandans veldi til þessa heims sæmðar ok nítaði sínum skapara ok sagðist
ór samneyti ok fagnaði allra heilagra manna? Síðan fylgdi hann fjandans ráðum ok fór
því einu jafnan fram, er ferligt var.
He used a crafty scheme against a certain man whom he deceived with such deadly drink
that the man forgot all of God’s commandments, and the falsely directed and arrogant
man followed the devil’s suasion. That wretch was from the district called [Ytterøy].
So miserably had the Enemy blinded him that he deemed another world’s tortures insignificant
against his lust and worldly desires. Was he then not sorely deceived when for the
vainglory of this world he gave himself into the devil’s power, denied his Creator,
and declared himself out of the communion and joy with all holy men? Afterward he
followed the devil’s advice and pursued his abominable activities.
Nú á móti Óláfsmessu of sumarit þá sótti fjöldi mikill til miskunnar þangat, sem sá
helgi konungr hvílir. Þá fór sá vesli maðr þangað fyrir þess eins sakar, at hann mætti
sjá ok heyra, mæla ok gera nokkurt þess s[aurl]ífis er hann fengi fastligar sik bundit á fjandans föruneyti. En várr dróttinn er svá
aumhjar[taðr], mínir góðu vinir, at honum þykkir því öllu aumligra of þann aumingja, er hann sér
hann sárligar svikinn en hvern kristinn mann.
Now as the day of Saint Olaf’s Mass drew near during the summer, a great crowd of
people went forth to the place where that holy king rests to seek mercy. That wretched
man went there for only one reason: that he might be able to see, hear, speak, and
lead the [unclean life] in which he had so firmly ensnared himself through the devil’s
companionship. But our Lord is so [charitable], my good friends, that to Him this
pitiful man seemed all the more pitiable, whom he found more sorely deceived than
any Christian man.
Nú of daginn þá var líkamr þess helga manns út borinn með háleitri tign, þá tók sjá
vesli maðr at hugleiða dýrð þessa dýrliga konungs ok sína vesöld ok eilífan ófarnað, er hann þóttist vita
sér fyrir höndum, þegars hann skildist við þessa veröld. Því næst vitraði hans svá
háleit miskunn ins helga anda fyrir návista sakar þess guðs mildings ok sendi honum
svá mikla iðran, at utan þóttust menn þat mega á honum sjá, hve [h]ann þóttist ok hve mjök hann þóttist syndgast hafa. Ok er skrínit var flutt ór stað ok
til annars, þá þokaðist hann til miskunnar þangat, sem sá helgi maðr hafði áðr hvílst,
tók þá kalla á þann milda mann með sárum styn ok andvarpan, bað aumliga með miklum
grát þann milda konung með guðs fulltingi leysa synd sína ok af sér þau seigu bönd,
[sem hann] hafð[i] ha[nn] fest ok fjandinn hann í vafðan. Nú lét guð hann njóta ins helga árnaðarorðs Óláfs
konungs ok leysti hann til sín háleitliga af and[skotans].
Now, during the day, the body of this holy man was carried out with stately ceremony.
Then that wretched man began to reflect on the glory of this glorious king and his
own misery and the eternal sorrow that he knew was in hand for him when he parted
from this world. After that, because of the presence of this prince of God, the sublime
mercy of the Holy Spirit came upon him and evoked in him such great remorse that people
thought they could tell from his outward appearance [what he] thought and how miserably
he thought he had sinned. When the shrine was moved out of one place and to another,
he moved to find mercy at the site where this holy man had earlier rested and began
to call upon that compassionate man with sorrowful groans and heavy sighs. The wretched
one prayed with much crying to the generous king that with God’s assistance he would
free him from his sin and loosen from him the unyielding bonds in which he had chained
[himself] and in which the devil had entangled him. God then granted him the benefit
of the holy intercession of King Olaf and redeemed him in a sublime fashion from Sat[an].